

Our whole being responds to images we actually see or just imagine in our mind’s eyes. To experience this, think a word like beach, elephant, ghost… holding each word for a few seconds and see what images flashed in your mind and the fleeting accompanying emotions. When brands build powerful associations with desirable images, we...

  The youth are often panned for being self and selfie obsessed. In an insight workshop, the students of The Delhi School of Communication unearthed some interesting insights around this. At its core is their disillusion with relationships and the inherent absence of authenticity. While the selfie is their façade for participating in this charade...

Did you know that for a long time, pineapple juice was simply thrown away! It was seen as a waste by-product while canning the fruit. Till someone figured it might have some value. An interesting example of the importance of questioning established perspectives and practices. Making something a holy grail, just because ‘that’s how it...

In a recent insight workshop with a brand team, the question of the power of movies and brands to change culture came up. We often come across movies, ads and brands that surprise us when they happen. Consider Lust Stories and #Tinder for example. Did they reflect existing culture or are they changing it? The answer,...

To make subcultures & sub-identities relatable for a younger marketing audience, I often use the example of Whatsapp groups. How we wear different ‘masks’ depending on the group we are participating in. The sensibilities differ and so does the appropriateness of content and jokes being forwarded, creating a whole group culture. With the Section 377...

As cultures shift, many ‘normals’ get questioned. Creating flashpoints between those for and against the existing norms. These flashpoints are the very lifeblood of emerging ideas and stories. Whether it is movies, any other form of media content, a movement, a celebrity standing for the viewpoint… Therein lies the dilemma Taking a stance on such...

Kya aapke brand mein contradiction hai? Ever noticed how powerful ‘brands’ combine seemingly contradictory values? Dhoni’s brute muscle power with his almost yogic calmness, Virat’s in your face attitude with discipline that would put most ‘good boys’ to shame… Take the same analogy to other brands – Maggi’s convenience combines with mother’s love (opposites, if you...

‘No one saw an ape turning into a man, so Darwin’s theory is flawed’ said someone providing much fodder for digital chatter and humour recently. There is a meaningful lesson in this conversation, however. Something that we often forget while looking at ‘new, emerging’ segments. Whether we talk of Gen X, Y, Z or millennials...

Our clients are often stumped when we say that insights are negative emotions. Their resistance to this takes some wearing down (for many, the acceptance is never complete). Insights & ideas work like lock & key. Insights are problems that ideas solve. However, the negative (insight) is not as evident as the positive (idea). Take...